Dr. Horstkamp was appointed the head of the sovereign trust in 2016 and declared Sovereign Empress in 2018 by Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Phillip of Edinburgh through a ceremonial queen’s walk in the United Kingdom.
In 2019, The Sovereign Empress Queen Ann of England and Spain, Koenigin mit der Seele eines Koenigs von Germany, Kaiser von lands German, Koenigin Ann-Marie von Bayern, Emmy Ann SAM, Impératrice de Marenchou, MisMer et MeStein, Papa Papessa del Vaticano, Impératrice de toutes les autre monarchies gagné pendant les guerres monarchiques et ayant la lignée de Ramirez Chaux, took down all lower royal and aristicratic titles and requested a full inventory of all sovereign properties.
The royal inventory includes at least 199 royal titles to former monarchies and more than 500 lower titles that encompasses a global asset base.
Because of WWII which reduced the monarchies to two main titles, England and Spain, the sovereign empress is owner of all monarchies and monarchy assets, SAM of the United States and sovereign of the vatican’s global properties.
All countries involved in the inventory continue to retain their government name and their government structure. The monarchy properties include all assets belonging to the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann of England and Spain and are outside of taxation by any government structure and may only be sold or gifted by the Sovereign Empress. At this time, no property is on sale.
Notice is given to all former aristocrats and monarch placeholders that they are now retired and are considered commoners and retired intelligence officers. Please contact the Home Office in your monarchy location for more information about retirement funds for retired intelligence. All past monarchy and aristocracy are declared deceased or commoners as of 2018.
This formal notice on annhorstkamp.com allows all individuals with royal and aristocratic bloodlines to look for work and to marry without the empress’s consent. As of today, January 5, 2025, no one except Queen Ann, shall use a royal or aristocratic title until new titles are gifted to those persons who have not hurt the England and Spanish Monarchy or the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann of England and Spain. Those who received a title from Queen Elizabeth II or from the UK Government or any government with a former monarachy are given notice that such titles are retired and no longer applicable. This includes all Knighthoods… Thank you for your service in protecting the Sovereign Empress from 2016 to 2024.
The global inventory contains the remnants of WWII prison camps, space objects, War inventory from Europe, North and South America, Asia and Africa. The inventory also includes reservations from the wars, digital data from more than 100 years of surveillance, global real property assets, intellectual property from individuals, monarchy and governments, genetics labs, IP individuals, churches, universities and corporations.
If you hurt or insulted the Sovereign Empress King/Queen Ann of England and Spain, you are barred from inheriting any of the property being inventoried or receiving a title from any sovereign monarchy of any of the monarchies inherited by the Sovereign Empress King/Queen Ann of England and Spain, Dr. Emmy Ann Horstkamp, JD SAM USA.
Her current signature title is Dr. Emmy Ann Horstkamp, JD SAM USA the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann of England and Spain, Koenigin mit der Seele eines Koenigs von Deutschland, Koenigin Ann-Marie von Bayern, Emmy Ann SAM, Impératrice de toutes les monarchies et ayant la lignée de Ramirez Chaux
If you think you have royal property or know of royal property that has been neglected, please contact the Sovereign Empress, Queen Ann at Kensington Palace where she has an official apartment.
Legal Systems of the Monarchies
The monarchies are currently using a common law legal system and the civil law legal systems of the US and Europe depending on the government structure of the monarchy land.
Country Names
Because of the monarchy wars, England/Scotland/Wales are formally combined into the interim name England.
The Sovereign Empress will keep England a private estate until the WWII prison camps have been archived and the monarchy data has been archived and a republic structure is fully running. Queen Ann, Sovereign Empress, shall remain the first minister of England until further notice. All Ministries and Laws declared on my blog apply to the subjects, residents and citizens living in England. The Administrative Offices of England are located at St. James Palace and Kensington Palace.
My goal is to take the prisoncamp cult survivors out of the prison environment. The citizens and subjects of England have refused to relocate during the remodeling of the island so by remaining have agreed to this arrangement of living on “Fantasy Island” until the prison camps have been documented. All Prison camps are taken down and the properties added to the sovereign estate of the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann of England and Spain.
The city of Galway houses the government of the Republic of Atlantis, a new republic for the former prisoner who were left in the WWII prison camps. The English ministries may have offices in England and must have representation in Galway for each ministry.
For North America, the Monarchy of Canadada all property has been placed in the private ownership of Queen Ann, Soveriegn Empress until all inventory has been documented and data has been archived The government of Canadada is a monarchy.
All citizens and subjects of Canadada have the same rights as those declared for England and announced on my blog with administrative languages of English and French. The Monarchy of Mexico created in Mexico also has the same rights as England and the same ministries with administrative languages of English and Spanish.
We are still searching for individuals abandoned in Canada by cults. Please contact the ministry of children and families if you know of children or vulnerable people abandoned in the monarchy conflicts of 2016 to 2025. If we are having this issue in Mexico, please let the Monarchy know at St. James Palace in London.
For the United States, all sovereign properties, reservations and intellectual property belongs to SAM, The Sovereign Empress Queen Ann of England and Spain, Koenigin mit der Seele eines Koenigs von Deutschland, Koenigin Ann-Marie von Bayern, Emmy Ann SAM, Impératrice de toutes les monarchies et ayant la lignée de Ramirez Chaux and declares all treaties must be reviewed. A mishandling of her estates since childhood occurred and are now being reviewed.
The title Chief belongs to Queen Ann, Sovereign Empress and her US name is Chief Rattle Snake White Fox. This is notice that the president is not allowed to use her title chief , is not allowed to request a marriage with the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann or represent her without her consent. The sovereign Empress Queen Ann of England and Spain with her title chief is the sovereign immunity for the US and was mistreated by the US who married her without her consent to various US government officials.
Please take not that all such marriages are voided and all US employees must carry liability insurance.
If you are by accident on Monarchy land or in monarchy property in any monarchy, you will be given formal written notice. The monarchy owns land in all states within the United States and the White House has been declared a former palace on Sovereign monarchy land.
The president of the United States has been gifted the use of a private residence and may use the White House palace for government parties but not as a residence or work location.
The staff of the president must be located on government owned land and building. There is no immunity of person for the president or any government building or government property without the specific consent of the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann. The sovereign has requested Congress to set up standards for government liability and to insure for any issues that may be faced by employees and agencies.
Formal Closure of the Church of England
This is formal notice of the closure of the Church of England and Scientologyy. The Church of England’s assets are being inventoried and placed within the Monarchy of England. A cult embedded themselves within the Church of England and all people in the former monarchies, colonies and personal domains including England / Scotland / North Ireland / Australia, Commonwealth countries , USA, Canadada, Mexico and current monarchies or wherever the cult established a presence are considered cult survivors and may receive counselling through NHS. The cult was based on a prison culture left by WWII and was embedded in the Church of England.
Formal Closure of the Church of Scientology
The former leader of scientology was unable to make the group fit the parameters of an organised religion and requested their data be archived for historical purposes.
Scientolog has been closed and former members have opened reading rooms with the data owned by Scientology. All members of scientology are requested to choose a religion and share their affadavits and information with the US archive for historical purposes. If you are within the commonwealth and a former member of scientology, you may go to NHS for counselling.
Religion of the Sovereign Empress
Queen Ann is a born Roman Catholic baptised in the United States of America. She follows a buddhist way of life and is heir to the Vatican properties and the religious properties of the Church of England. A Jesuit priest presides over the mass in Rome and members of the closed Church of England are requested to join the episcipal church or another organised religion. The Sovereign Empress will not replace the Church of England. Catholic churches and episcopal churches will be built in England and all locations where subjects were hurt by the Church of England will be torn down as requested by parishioners.
Educational Background
Dr. Horstkamp graduated from a well known start-up incubator in Berlin, graduated from Florida State law school and the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
From 2015 to 2018, Dr. Horstkamp worked with the executive branch of the US government and the US defense department working from Munich, Germany and London, UK.
From 2018 to the present, Dr. Horstkamp focused her personal work on nutrition and health.
In October 2024, Dr. Horstkamp proved the POC for HealthStorey, a wellness detox program.
Queen Ann’s Health
In 2018, Dr. Horstkamp was poisoned and attacked while working in London. She is now under the avatar program while on surveillance cameras.
The monarchy and the United States keeps queen Ann’s voice filtered to prevent theft of her intellectual property so her voice incorporates all voices of the internet which are copyright free.
Because of the physical torture incurred in the conflicts created by the Queen’s walk, her body has been declared bio-hacked and her age has been set at 34. Her body was declared that of a living goddess and she was attacked by people with access to surveillance cameras who wanted to see if they could release her soul. Because of sound and laser torture, The Sovereign Empress Queen Ann of England and Spain, Koenigin mit der Seele eines Koenigs von Deutschland, Koenigin Ann-Marie von Bayern, Emmy Ann SAM, Impératrice de toutes les monarchies et ayant la lignée de Ramirez Chauxher has post traumatic stress syndrome.
Because of the laser filters used on her face and her body, her body may increase in size by twenty percent and her skin may change texture and colour – a process created using sound waves and digital lasers.
For this reason, the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann of England and Spain requests no photography or video at events or while she works. Official photographs are released from Kensington by the staff of the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann of England and Spain.
Basic Facts about Queen Ann, Sovereign Empress
Queen Ann married an American scientist but divorced him and the marriage was annulled by the Roman Catholic Church. Her oldest daughter named Taylor was killed in an accident in 2018 and her ex was killed in an accident with generals from the Military. Her younger daughter Anna, was bullied and hurt by psychological torture in 2019 and her two younger daughters born through surrogacy were tortured during the transition by illegal surveillance hackers.
Queen Ann, Sovereign Empress, is guardian of cult survivors, clones, DNA people, fused people, minors from the past monarchy, angel babies and minors she refers to as Muenchkins, orbs and mimis. All people under her guardianship have personal representation and human rights and are monitored by Home Office and Children and Families and noone has a title in her family, they are currently all commoners.
Queen Ann inherieted a large human brain which you can see a version of by watching Dr. Who. The brain is based on the brain of Queen Elizabeth. Queen Ann has not seen the brain but knows another brain labeled the brain of Queen Ann has been created.
Queen Ann’s mother and father and sister are deceased. Her cousin is the current line of succession in the event something happens to the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann. The cousin is a commoner and an engineer living in the United States. She is a married Roman Catholic.
The Sovereign Empress Queen Ann is Colombian, American & German by birth and speaks English, Spanish and German and knows French.
The Sovereign Empress Queen Ann of England and Spain, Koenigin mit der Seele eines Koenigs von Deutschland, Koenigin Ann-Marie von Bayern, Emmy Ann SAM, Impératrice de toutes les monarchies et ayant la lignée de Ramirez Chaux lived in London, Edinburgh, Germany, Singapore and the United States.
Her digital data was stolen from birth to 2025 and it is illegal to own her data without license. Museums regarding the theft of intellectual property are planned.
Outside of Work
The Sovereign Empress Queen Ann of England and Spain, Koenigin mit der Seele eines Koenigs von Deutschland, Koenigin Ann-Marie von Bayern, Emmy Ann SAM, Impératrice de toutes les monarchies et ayant la lignée de Ramirez Chaux is a published writer and photographer focused on memoir and social commentary.

The Sovereign Empress Queen Ann of England and Spain, Koenigin mit der Seele eines Koenigs von Deutschland, Koenigin Ann-Marie von Bayern, Emmy Ann SAM, Impératrice de toutes les monarchies et ayant la lignée de Ramirez Chaux )