
Welcome to E. Ann Horstkamp’s information page.

Business plans and POC

Education – Her second business plan, Smeevee, won the founder institute start-up competition in Berlin. The business plan focused on the female demographic and group learning for the European market.

Her next business project focused on building a brand identity. She accomplished this in 2018 with the name Munich Artists. Dr. Horstkamp created a brand called Munich Artists which focused on bringing together artists to create art. The art group and website closed in 2018 and is owned by Dr. Kern and Dr. Horstkamp.

In Edinburgh, Dr. Horstkamp began working with Firmsme on female focused projects including investments, health focused programs and creativity.

E. Ann Horstkamp proved concept for HealthStorey (2024) and GoesWithJeans (2023.)

  • Dr. Horstkamp’s undergraduate education is in Art history and Political Science and her graduate education is in US law and EU law.
  • She has worked as a features writer for magazines and newspapers and writes poetry and literary novellas. She finished a photo poetry project called Salaterre with a collage book and poetry collaboration books.
  • Dr. Horstkamp does not use social media and does not answer the phone. If you need to contact her, you may write to her office at 50/60 Station Road, Cambridge CB1 2JH UK or through email.