
Welcome to E. Ann Horstkamp’s bio.

Business plans and POC

Education – My second business plan, Smeevee, won the founder institute start-up competition in Berlin. the business idea focused on an online learning platform and women focused group learning.

My next business project focused on building a brand. I accomplished this in 2018 with the name Munich Artists. While living in Munich, Germany, I created a brand called Munich Artists which focused on bringing together artists to create art. The art group and website was closed in 2018 when I relocated to London, UK.

In Edinburgh, I began working with on a female investment strategy that proved concept in October 2023. The working name for the project is Goes with Jeans.

  • My undergraduate education is in Art history and Political Science and my graduate education is in US law and EU law.
  • I’ve worked as a features writer for magazines and newspapers and enjoy writing poetry and literary novellas. (Less than 50k words) Currently I’m working on a photo poetry project called Salaterre and a collage book series.
  • I do not use social media and do not answer the phone. If you need to contact me, you may write to my office at 50/60 Station Road, Cambridge CB1 2JH UK or text me through Trefuly on What’s app or email me.