Declare my resolution to have new beginnings
January unfolds my heart
a blank canvas,
a possibility today.
Break of dawn releasing the shadows,
the new beginning says
“No vacancy.“
Frosted soul,
home of a reality renewed
touch the earth
make a promise
welcome the beginning.
Leave behind sorrow
today, in my heart.
Emmy Ann Horstkamp, January 31, 2025
POC for Firmsme / Health Storey Wellness Detox Completed
The first POC at for Health Storey is completed. The 90 day POC confirms that their 90 day detox works and will be offered as a wellness detox program in 2025.

POC for Wellness Detox
Firmsme proved the POC for a wellness detox focused on adipose and is now focused on proving concept for another detox focused on Skin health.
The Wellness Detox program for Adipose and Skin is a series. Here are a few facts about Adipose (fat) and your Skin Layer.
- It take 10 years to detox all your fat cells. (Fat cells renew at 10% a year.)
- 30 pounds of fat equals 30 billion fat cells.
- It takes 90 days to improve your skin collagen health.

Update July 2024
I’m heading to Europe for a few weeks.

Dr. Horstkamp – Logo

I decided that everyone needed to have their own logo. They are all based on the Trefuly Logo. This is Mine “Invest your time and money.”
Currently Updating Websites and Waiting for Spring 2024
- I’m updating all websites to DB10 and working on content for the next phase of Goes with Jeans. This is the first time, I’ve worked on a project with just myself and an investor. I’m used to having a team of at least two. For other start-ups, you can prove concept with team of one.
- The narrowboat project (started for fun) is on hold during winter 23/24. The hull was blackened in November 2023 and the roof is scheduled to be extended by 6cm in spring 2024. I purchased two domain names just in case I need to add them to the support websites for goes with jeans. Note: I’m learning a lot about the UK and river boat sailors.

AH | December Holiday Image Gift Tag
All Images that were on the site are now offline for a bit. I will add them to the websites I’m updating for Trefuly. If you need one of the curated copyright free images, let me know.